DCC Concepts 6-Cradle Rolling Road
Reviewed by Charles Oldroyd
DCC Concepts, whose UK base i s in Settle, N.Yorks, are not particularly
well-known for O gauge products. Nevertheless, they produce a range
of electronics and point/signal servos that are widely applicable to the
larger scales. They are also branching out into other areas and this O
gauge rolling road is their latest product.
The first impression on opening the box is one of quality. Securely packaged in foam, the cradles and some ferrous plates are supplied in a strong box. Each cradle is a work of art. Gold(!) plated side frames are separated by a moulding in a rigid plastic material, the construction being screwed together. The cradles have four stainless steel ball races for the loco wheels to sit on and a neodymium magnet in the base. This is designed to hold the cradles in place by attraction to the ferrous plates, which can be fixed between the rails on a test track. Of course, using them is not a requirement, but it does make positioning a Co-Co diesel or 9F on the cradles somewhat easier.
The cradles work equally well on straight track or on a curve of modest radius and perform perfectly. Whilst not cheap, they are not a consumable and should last a lifetime. A 4-cradle version is also available.
Online purchase is available from their website at
www.dccconcepts.com. Recommended.
Prices: 4 Cradles – DCM-RRO.4 £99.95
6 Cradles – DCM-RRO.6 £149.95