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Welcome to the Knowledge Base from the Gauge O Guild


The Knowledge Base contains useful information about modelling in 7mm scale O gauge, aimed at Finescale, Scale 7, Coarse Scale and narrow gauge modellers. If this is your first visit, read how to use the Knowledge Base.

The Knowledge Base is a Wiki, like Wikipedia, but specifically for O Gauge and its purpose is to share knowledge, skills and experience among Guild members.

It is divided into two sections. The first section, The Manual, contains practical information about all aspects of modelling in O gauge while the second section, Sources of Information, is about how to find useful information and also contains the Gazette Archive.

Extensive use has been made of Page Tags; these are marks that are added to individual pages to make the content easier to find.

Pages can have several different tags; for example, a page about building a locomotive from a kit might have tags for superstructure-brass traders:connoisseur, railways:NBR and finishes:painting. Clicking on a page tag automatically pulls up a list of all other pages with the same tag and saves having to manually search through the Knowledge Base for similar information.


Modelling in Gauge O has changed in the recent years dramatically.

Firstly, a wealth of Ready to Run models have reached the market bringing new modellers into the scale and a change of emphasis from rolling stock construction to layout building and scenic modelling.

Secondly, the development of low-cost but powerful micro-electronic components has led to the introduction of Digital Command Control (DCC), Radio Control (dead rail) control systems and a whole new world of Layout Control and automation.

Lastly, the availability of powerful 3D design software such as Fusion 365 and Blender allied with desktop 3D Printings enables complex 3D objects of all types to be economically produced at home.

The Gazette is a wonderful magazine full of inspirational layouts, reviews and construction articles. The Knowledge Base will contain as many of these up to date articles as possible, each linked to their area, but that can also be found in the Gazette Archive page.

Adding to the Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base is for you, the members, not only to read but also to contribute towards. If there is information you would like to add to the Knowledge Base, or if you think that a page needs further editing, please get in touch with the technical team via the Contacts page of the Guild website. Read these pages for guidance on how to write for the Knowledge Base.

Knowledge Base team

The Knowledge Base has been created, edited and updated by a Knowledge Base team of Guild members.


gogwikihome.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:58 by chrisf