An Evening With...
Forthcoming "An Evening With..." Events
Tim Stubbs

Tim Stubbs is relatively new to railway modelling. Having spent a lifetime working in 12 inches to the foot, he took up 7mm modelling just a few years ago. He was blessed with a substantial garage, a garden and some spare time and undertook the building of the Peacehaven branch from a zero start.

He has no regrets that his first decision was to join the Guild. This has brought him into contact with a wealth of advice and in the process, he has made many good friends.

Join Tim for a walk through his Peacehaven garden railway, an end-to-end tour describing the layout design, construction, methods used and the way the layout is based on a fictitious but plausible SR branch line. Operation is to a timetable with interlocked signalling and block working, highlights being the 'running days' when, (Covid permitting), modelling and other railway friends gather for a spell of nostalgia, brought to life.

Tim will be happy to discuss any aspects of the Peacehaven branch, its building and operation and will be pleased to answer questions about lessons learned in the process.

The event is live via Zoom on 26th July 2021 at 20:00 BST.

You must register for this event as places are limited. The event is FREE to members or £2:00 for non-members.

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You can download a guide which describes how to prepare and join the "An Evening with..." events.

Previous "An Evening With..." Events
Nick Dunhill

Nick Dunhill was formerly a Research Scientist, a Gardener, a Vegetarian Café owner and now builds model locos for a living. It was a long apprenticeship. Eventually he realised he could make a better living, building locomotives rather than cooking vegetarian food.

Join Nick for a real time, step by step presentation on how to build a smokebox from scratch using only simple tools. Nick will showed the process from drawing out the parts required, to the correct scale, through to assembly, and you will see that scratch building isn't as daunting as it may at first seem.

Members are able to view the recording of the event.

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Jim McGeown

Jim McGeown of Connoisseur Models described how O gauge enabled to him to journey from the dole queue to being his own man.

Jim was just a callow youth of 16 when he switched his modelling scale to O gauge. He also started serving his apprenticeship to become an electrical craftsman. By 1987 Jim found himself disillusioned by the job and unemployed.

During his 'Evening With' interview, Jim recounts some of the key points that enabled him, with the assistance of the 'Enterprise Allowance Scheme', and his modelling and electrical skills, to create the O gauge etched kit range that has supported him in being his own man for 34 years.

Jamie Guest

Jamie Guest talked about his layout based on Lancaster Green Ayre. He described how he got into O Gauge, the inspiration behind the layout, the research and planning that went into its construction,  how it was exhibited and the logistics involved in moving it to France.

He also described what is happening now and how things have progressed in its new home.

Robin Taylor

On 26th March 2021 at 20:00 and following on from his coach presentation at our first Virtual Show last year, Robin Taylor presented methods and techniques for coach construction; from light railway four wheelers in styrene sheet for the beginner, through to bogie stock either kit built, scratch built or any combination of both.

Andy Duncan

On 26th February 2021 at 20:00 Andy Duncan held an evening in his white metal casting shed as he demonstrated the process to turn an idea for a model into a kit.

Starting in the workshop a brass master is created to make a mould. The mould and casting takes place in the casting shed before returning to the workshop to prepare and package the kit.

Before the evening, guests were asked to watch a video of the process which can be found on YouTube.

Dougie Hey

On 26th January 2021 at 20:00 Dougie Hey in New Zealand gave an introduction to his layout of Whitby Station and Yard in 7mm scale.

Dougie also talked through his wide range of stock, showed attendees some of his models and answered any questions. Before the evening, guests were asked to watch a video of his layout Whitby Station and Yard which can be found on YouTube.

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