Gauge O Guild Show
Virtual Show - 4th November 2023
4th November 2023 (LIVE) then recordings of everything will be available until 30th November 2023
Online from the comfort to your own home
Free to members and non members
On-line tickets:
Postal tickets:
None required

Like other virtual shows that the Gauge O Guild has organised, we will have layouts that have never been seen before as well as some which may be familiar. 

Demonstrations will include both recorded sessions and live sessions provided by members and our technical committee.
Traders will be advertising and new product announcements are expected.


  • Neu-Deting and Patzing - 1930's Germany
  • Hayling Island - LBSCR
  • Woodleigh-sub-Mendip -  ex-GWR Branchline
  • Invermire - BR Blue era Scotland
  • Melbourne Street Brewery - BR 1960s Tyneside
  • The Yet To Be Named Layout - BR 1990's
  • Bucks Hill - Multiple eras
  • Melton Garden Railway 
  • Thurlby - BR 1960s 
  • Lapping Works - GWR/Industrial 1940s
  • Dave's Train Set - Current era
  • Priory Yard 
  • Heaton Lodge Junction - BR Blue era
  • Smithfield - Post-Grouping LNER/SR

Demonstrations - Live

  • Modular layout concept - Charles Oldroyd
  • Scratch building a loco: making a running chassis - Nick Dunhill
  • Building a NER S1 Ironstone Hopper - Nigel Paine
  • Meet the Guild Chairman - Charles Oldroyd
  • Slicing for 3D printing - Chris Walsh
  • Melbourne Street Brewery - Peter Reynolds

Demonstrations & Pre-recorded Videos

  • Figure painting - Rob Anderson
  • Baseboard construction for modular layout - James Aitken
  • Time lapse video of the 2 day layout build at Guildex 2023 - Ian Allen
  • Building vehicles - Kevin Cartwright
  • Building a MERG kit - Peter Reynolds
  • Making a brass gearbox - Rob Pulham
  • Weathering a wagon - Neil Armitage
  • Baby Deltic - Steve Hoather
  • Of London Clay diorama - Julian Carr
  • Heaton Lodge Junction - Simon George
  • Slicing and 3D printing - Chris Walsh

Meantime, all videos from the virtual show in 2022 can be viewed on our YouTube Channel 

You do not need to subscribe to YouTube to view the channel but if you do subscribe to our channel (which is totally free) you will get updates about new content.

Use a comfortable chair and make sure you have plenty of refreshments beside you in the passenger seat
Via your computer, iPad, tablet or mobile phone
Access the show from the front page of the Guild website
82G (April 22) - Warley Clubs Engine shed layout
Siddington - Wexford club layout
WHAPLODE - Thomas Hoy's New layout

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