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B & B 7mm coupling

Coupling normal.

Coupling with latch raised.

Description: A loop and hook system with a delayed un-coupling action. The heads of the hooks buffer up when propelling.

Method of operation: The loop on one coupling overrides the hook on the other, establishing the link between the vehicles. Uncoupling is carried out by rotating the loops out of engagement from the opposing hooks. The disengaged loops fall back and are gagged by a delaying latch preventing immediate recoupling. Stock can then be propelled to a position remote from the uncoupler. When the vehicles separate, then the coupling is restored to the normal position ready to couple again.

Uncoupling device: A permanent magnet or electromagnet, located within the track. A single magnet can be positioned at the head of a fan of sidings because of the remote un-coupling facility.

Modifications to stock: No major modifications to fit the couplings are required other than a base plate to install the couplings. A consistent height has to be maintained for the couplings.

Fitting common to all stock? The coupling is common to all stock. See also Other Comments.

Compatibility with scale couplings: This system is not compatible with scale couplings.

Minimum recommended operating radius: No minimum radii are quoted in the instructions. The centre buffing of the hook prevents buffer locking. The minimum radius will be determined by the interaction of the centre buffer feature and the actual buffers.

Instructions: An illustrated set of instructions is supplied with each etch set.

Other Comments: For locomotives, the loop may be omitted. For end-to-end layouts, it is suggested that the hook and loop are fitted to one end of the vehicle and the hook alone at the other.

Compiled by Bob Alderman.

wagons/bb_coupler.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/18 21:45 by