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Trackwork design

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It is always best to plan your layout trackwork in detail before starting anything to ensure what you want actually fits the space available, considering curve radius, point geometry, baseboard joints and framing, etc. Pencil sketches are suitable for a rough guide, but it is advisable to produce an accurate plan before starting.

Listed are three suggested methods of design:

  • Raw - The layout is determined by using completed or readymade pointwork laid in place directly as required.
  • Templates - Printed templates can be used to design a layout by laying them out directly on the baseboard. Commercially available curve templates are available in common radii e.g. 6 ft, 5 ft 6 in., etc.
  • Software - Layout design can be undertaken using computer design programs. These programs can be very powerful but can take some time to learn and understand. Some programs are designed for particular scales or a range of scales that does not include 7mm. This does not prevent them being used because the results can be scaled to 7mm, but they should be carefully checked for feasibility. An advantage is that the software can create an improved appearance of the track layout as it will flow in a prototypical manner and not be constrained by the dimensions of off the shelf pointwork. There are online forums and tutorials in many cases.

See also

track/trackwork_design.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/20 18:07 by