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Continuous handrails

G Hill

I originally posted this idea on the Guild forum and following some favourable comments, it was suggested that some of the non-forum membership might find it of use. I have no idea where it originated but I have used it successfully for many years. Simply follow the steps in the photos. Secure the handrail knobs along the side of the boiler and smokebox but don’t secure any that are fitted to the smokebox front. Find a piece of handrail wire long enough to fit straight across the smokebox and the first two handrail knobs on each side. This guide wire should be parallel to the footplate. If it’s not then the handrail knobs need adjustment. Select a piece of handrail wire long enough to go along each side of the boiler and across the front of the smokebox and form a curve slightly smaller than the smokebox diameter. Slide a handrail knob(s) onto the wire and temporarily fit it (them) to the smokebox front. Do not secure properly yet as you will need to remove it (them) later. With a pair of pliers, hold the handrail at the point where it crosses the guidewire and bend it sideways. Repeat for the other side. The photo shows the wire over bent to make things clearer in the picture. It should of course be horizontal at each side. The last stage is to grip the wire at the point where it crosses the guide wire and bend it parallel to the boiler side and repeat this action for the opposite side. Now remove the handrail, smokebox knob(s) and guide wire then slide the handrail wire into each of the knobs along the smokebox and boiler sides, trim to length and fix the smokebox front knob(s) securely. Job done! Not all locomotives have sharp corners at the front, some have curved handrails and these can be formed using suitable rod or drill shanks, but the principle is the same.

In case anyone is wondering why they see two handrails but one loco, it’s because that is the only model I was building at the time of taking the pictures.

gazettearchive/gazettevol20/conthandrail.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/22 14:16 by