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Axle hung motors

Prepared by Steve Luck - 2nd February, 2019

peter220950 - Feb 2, 2019
Does anyone know if there are any axle hung motors available?
I have one that I obtained second hand some years ago and have seen them in use.
I’m not sure if they were from a trader that has now ceased production; I would like a matching pair at least.

I suspect one will not be sufficient to power a six car Pullman set.

Raymond Walley - Feb 2, 2019
ABC Gearboxes do them; see the traders’ website list.

Buckley10339 - Feb 2, 2019
Raymond, ABC discontinued that some time ago and a quick look at their website now only shows a normal motor unit that fits over to one side of a bogie to allow a Delrin drive to be squeezed in along side it. The motor is a cannon 1833 high power mounted vertically. I think they do a complete bogie drive system with the motor laid flat driving both axles through helical gears but am not sure what wheelbase options are available; it is very expensive however. i think perhaps the best bet would be two power bogies from Easybuild for him or something similar from Invertrain. Jim Snowdon - Feb 2, 2019
An alternative axle hung drive motor is available from Northwest Short Line in the US - see here - and look in section 2-14 of their online catalogue.

peter220950 - Feb 2, 2019 at 6:37 PM
Thanks for that Jim, that looks like the sort of thing I need.

forum/forumlocos/forumaxlehungmot.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/22 14:16 by