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DC controller recommendations

Tip description: A query about suitable DC controllers for Heljan locos.

Original thread

Grant18421 - Mar 24, 2019 at 9:47 AM
What DC controllers do people use for Heljan diesel loco's as the Gaugemaster ones cannot cope with the amperage required?

PrideofHull - Mar 24, 2019
I test Heljan diesels using a Gaugemaster that is rated for LGB models and they run okay. Not so sure it would work if they were double-headed.

Buckley10339 - Mar 24, 2019
The two test tracks I use have two Helmsman controllers each that are 5amp and they run anything; not seen any loco including some big American stuff fail on them.

GrahamClark - Mar 24, 2019
I run a pair of Heljan 20s on DCC and the current they take when hauling a dozen Parkside hoppers is less than 2A so they aren't as power hungry as you might think. It would be a different matter if you have long trains of heavy wagons I imagine. If you have a small layout you won't need as much as 5A.

forum/forumdccontrol.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/22 14:16 by