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The last vehicle that will appear in the P/Way train will of course be a Permanent Way Toad. This is Jim McGeown's kit and, like many of his kits, it has no compensation. The parts arrive in the usual flat pack as shewn and need the addition of wheels. Instructions are comprehensive and excellent. One can produce an excellent model using all the parts Jim supplies plus a set of wheels. However, my client wanted some changes and so I fitted WEP compensation units, WEP Instanter couplings and Warren Shephard lost wax buffers. There are a lot of bolt heads to push through.

I followed my usual method of building as many components as possible before starting assembly as shown below. The roof has a chimney made up from brass tube in place of the white metal one provided. The side stanchions are fitted by carefully twisting the tabs at the rear. The method is easily visible in the back view of one side and end. All the parts that can be fitted while still “in the flat” have been, including lamp irons. All that remains to be fitted on the body after assembly are the handrails.

Below are two pictures of how the steps are made up. First by soldering some 9mm wire into the etched slots on the underside of the steps. These are then held individually with pliers and the wire bent at right angles. After checking for true the wire ends are fitted in the “Hold and Fold” so that there will be 11mm between the top and bottom bend. Result, three step supports that are perpendicular to the steps and all square.pwtoad_7_.jpg|pwtoad_8_.jpg

The holes in the solebars will need to be opened out after the axle guards are fitted to take the wire.

Assembling the body is then relatively easy to achieve due to the neat design. However, I had not thought through my changes well enough this time and had to remove the buffers from one end to get the solebars in!

I also soldered in some brass angle to stop a tendency for the sides to bow inwards and some false flooring to support the compensation units.

The roof is removable using phosphor bronze springs soldered in to grip the sides of the van body.

Ready for the paint shop, I will put up a picture of it painted in due course.

wagons/wagonkitreviews/conngwrpermwaybrake.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/15 16:57 by