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Commercially available ready to lay trackwork

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There are many items of ready to use trackwork from manufacturers such as Peco, Marcway and C&L Finescale. Although this is quicker to lay, with flexible track lengths, Peco pointwork is limited in sizes and geometry. However Peco trackwork has been used for many years very successfully on countless finescale standard layouts, but note that the pointwork is produced to ‘relaxed’ finescale standards with additional clearances at critical positions. Peco produce trackwork with either bullhead, or flat bottomed rail and also now produce a track range known as Setrack, which comprises fixed straight, and fixed radius curved track (3 ft 4 in. radius), as well as left and right points to match, therefore no cutting is required. However, without modification Peco trackwork will only accept finescale wheeled vehicles.

C&L and Marcway produce plain flexible bullhead rail plain track which is compatible to Peco, and custom point and crossing building services. There are many other specialist commercial trackwork makers who will build track formations to customer requirement, compatible with Peco track, or your own requirements. See the Guild product directory for more information.

Figure 1. Various type of commercially available trackwork, from left to right, C&L kit built B6 points and rail, Peco ready-made flat bottom type 0.143 in. track. Peco ready-made bullhead 0.125 in. track, Peco ‘Setrack’ with 0.125 in. bullhead rail and fixed 3 ft 4 in. (1 metre) radius curves.

track/commercial_track.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/18 13:57 by