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Blue Pullman - Reference Material.

Originator Dickason21742

Dickason21742 - I was wondering if someone had an opinion on whether the book 'Blue Pullman' by Kevin Robertson (ISBN-10: 0954485963, ISBN-13: 978-0954485962) had enough drawings and information to be able to construct a model from ?

If 'yes' then I was also hoping that you could point me in the correct direction for which version to buy ? I know there was originally a book, then a supplement, then a book which included the supplement (?), and a thread in the old forum started to talk about a second volume, so could someone help with some more information on which version of this book I should buy before I pay out some of my 'ill gotten gains' ?

peter220950 - By coincidence I am just sat in front of both books, preparing to start a set of Westdale kits.

The original book has side elevations to 4mm scale of the power car, along with alternative floor plans for MR &WR versions (Type 1 and 2 cars). There's an elevation and floor plan of the parlour car, type 3 used on WR, and an elevation and floor plans for the kitchen cars (types 4 and 5) for MR and WR. There is only a floor plan for the MR and WR parlour car type 6, though it's the same as the type 3 except for having 6 windows instead of 7 per side.

Depending on what you want to build you would need:

  • Type1 type4 type6 type6 type4 type1 for the 6car MR set
  • Type2 type3 type4 type6 type6 type4 type3 type2 for the 8 car WR set

There is enough for sides and layout, ends would need to be worked out from the pictures There's nothing of any relevance in the supplement other than more pictures that are always useful. You will notice that there are no front views or sections which may cause you a problem.

Good quality 7mm drawings came free with Model Rail no 13 November 1999, which appear to be the same side elevations as the Robertson book but much more use.

I have some very scrappy drawings from the Westdale kits but again no ends. These drawings do have roof details.

forum/forumlocos/forumbluepullref.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/22 14:16 by