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The Lincs auto coupler

Description: An interlinking counter balanced hook mounted on a skewed pivot.

Method of operation: The hook engages with its twin on the opposite vehicle. As the vehicles come together the hooks depress and pass one behind the other and remain engaged whilst pushing and pulling. To uncouple a magnet depresses the hooks allowing the vehicles to separate.

Uncoupling device: Strategically sited permanent or electro-magnets at all sites where uncoupling is required.

Modifications to stock: A mounting plate may be required to locate the pivot flush with the bottom of the buffer beam.

Fitting common to all stock?: The coupling has to be fitted to all stock. Locomotives may have a fixed coupling.

Compatibility with scale couplings: This system is compatible with and 3 link or screw couplings, Non magnetic links are recommended.

Minimum recommended operating radius: 4 feet. Smaller radii may be used but will increase the overhang of the hook from the vehicle. This will be limited to the appearance of the gap between vehicles. Buffer locking will be a limiting factor to track geometry.

Instructions: A full set of instructions for typical installation and set-up is provided. A tool to assist soldering the hook to the pivot is available.

Other Comments: Provided that the hook crosses the centreline of the vehicle it is tolerant of location.

Compiled by Bob Alderman.

wagons/lines_coupler.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/28 09:36 by