Martin Cheshire Photographs by the author
MY PREVIOUS LAYOUT, Cheshire Lines, was very extensive and
involved numerous tunnels and inclines and sub-board sidings, so
that manual track cleaning was very difficult. I therefore built a track
cleaning vehicle which could be propelled in a push-pull fashion
round the tracks by a shunting engine. A commonly used track
cleaner was glued to a block of wood of the same outline, and a
piece of lead screwed onto the top. This was loosely held in place
on the track by a metal box suspended between two old coach
bogies. The weight of the cleaner on the track was less than would
normally be applied manually but this could be compensated for
by several passes over the same route.
My present railway is on a much smaller scale occupying just one
large shed with most tracks within easy reach. There are two
external branch lines which run out and are encased in roof felted
enclosures where the track cleaner is still the easiest way of
cleaning them.