Jim Snowdon
Sourcr: Gazette Volume 19 No. 11 May 2016
Among our club’s O gauge group
there are several of us, myself
included, who have a penchant for
the unusual when it comes to rolling stock.
It was from this, inspired by the photograph
of one in one of the late Geoff Gamble’s
books, that the idea for a Lancashire and
Yorkshire Railway 6-wheel goods brake
was born.
The two vans side by side (or is it end to end), illustrating that the differences are hardly noticeable and that
what is under the floor is beyond sight. Pity about the telegraph pole, though.
First, a word about the prototype. The
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway was
conservative to say the least with its designs
of goods brake vans, there being only three
in the whole of its history. The original
design, which set the style for the rest of the
railway’s life, was a simple 10ton, fully
enclosed 4-wheel van, characterised by
having neither verandas nor lookouts, and
clad in iron plates fixed over a timber frame.
As a consequence of their metal bodies, they
became popularly known, for whatever
reasons at the time, as ‘Tin Tabernacles,’ or
more usually just ‘Tin Tabs.’
As train weights grew, so did the need for
heavier brake vans to control them,
resulting in the appearance in 1900 of a 20
ton 4-wheel design. This retained the same
iron and timber body construction, but
introduced verandas at each end. The
6-wheel version that appeared
subsequently was the 20 ton van design
using existing lower capacity wheelsets that
had become available as smaller wagons
were scrapped. Externally the vans changed
very little, save for the addition of the third
axle and minor variations in the layout of
the verandas, principally the position of the
door into the van itself and the substitution
of doors for the lifting bars previously
provided at the entrances to the verandas.
As befits vans which survived through to
the period we are modelling, which is the
early 1950s, the two vans that form the
subject of this article are the later type, one
having the modified suspension fitted to the
final batch.
There is already a kit available for these
vans, in the shape of the ex-Shedmaster
example now sold by Laurie Griffin, https://www.lgminiatures.co.uk
hence it is a fair question to ask ‘why scratchbuild?’
The answer is partly that I have
never considered etched brass entirely
capable of replicating the weight of the
timber members used in the framing of, in
this case, the veranda ends of the body, and
partly that by scratchbuilding, I could retain
full control of the dimensions. Nonetheless,
the fact that Laurie does produce the kit was
useful in providing a source for such fittings
as the axleguards and springs and the brake
shoes. The decision to build two vans came
about from the realisation that the second
only takes half the effort of the first and, as
originally conceived, would have gone for
sale via eBay.
Building a brake van is rather more
complex than a simple box van, essentially
due to the open nature of the verandas and
the presence of the glazing in the inner ends
of the van body. Initial construction was
based around making and fitting the two
body sides to the floor, ignoring the
verandas for the time being. This way, the
two sides are simple components – plain
rectangles with just the opening for the
guard’s droplight. Squareness was ensured
by providing two half-height internal
partitions, set about 10mm inside the ends
of the body, as the actual van end was
fabricated from many pieces, none of which
were continuous across the full width of the
body. As it turned out, these inner partitions
came in useful later, providing the basis for
a locker to contain the lead ballast weights.
The first step in erecting the body. The steel rule underneath the floor panel is not there by accident
but allows the bottom edge of the sides to be set down below the floor. Later on in the build, that
compensates for the way that Evergreen strip comes in imperial sizes - handy for 1:48 modelling but not 7mm/ft.
The basic body shell. Because these vans were timber framed, the end will be assembled from
a series of panels, hence the yawning gap. At this stage, only the inner parts of the body corner
pillars are fitted.
The ends themselves, which consist of a
half-height glazed screen and the inward
opening door set to one side, were built up
piece by piece from Evergreen styrene strip.
Although fiddly, this allows the visual
texture of the construction, formed by the
inset of the door and the beading around
the windows, to be reproduced. It is not a
process that can be rushed and is very much
a case of cut and fit a part, then leave the
model overnight for the joints to harden
fully before fitting the next part. It is also a
task where the Chopper, made by North
West Short Lines in the USA, comes into its
own as a means of both cutting the strip
square and repeatedly to
the same lengths. The order of
construction is to fit the
inner sections of the two
corner posts first, as these
provide the support for the
arched top section of the
body end. Each brake van
needs two of these, as well
as the two matching curved
ribs that support the roof at
the outer end of the
veranda. These
were all marked
out on a piece of
0.060in styrene sheet
and cut at the same
sitting, the curved cuts being
made using a piercing saw.
The ends
are now
taking shape, with
the lower planking fitted
as a panel, followed by the
top roof former, then the door
pillar fitted in between the two. \\
A useful trick in doing this is to
pull the saw back from the cutting face on
the up stroke, when it is not cutting, as this
markedly reduces the build-up of swarf on
top of the cutting line and makes it much
easier to guide the saw. The more accurate
the cut, the less there is to trim off with a file
afterwards. It also pays to let the blade cut
in its own time, without forcing, and any
blade which has a tendency to drift should
be thrown away. Trying to counter such
drift is possible, but simply adds to the
concentration required and the risk of
cutting into the work. It is tempting to cut
these parts to the required length, but the
dimensional tolerances that inevitably creep
in during construction mean that it is better
to cut them slightly over length and trim
them back to fit individually.
Constructing the three-pane window
does require a lot of patience and many
small parts of plastic strip, but is actually
easier than it seems. The key is to work
steadily from one side to the other, and not
to rush. Patience is very much a virtue
when fabricating detailed parts in styrene.
Building the ends. Because the veranda doors are set back into the framing, the ends of the van
are very three-dimensional and have to be built up much like the prototype, with the corner
pillars, roof stick and cant rail extensions all added, bit by bit, from Evergreen section.
Last step before fitting the roof is to paint the inside of both the van and the verandas. The insides
of goods brake vans were dingy at the best of times, so that on the model most of the effect of
the glazing is to provide see through at the right angles. The inside of the van is always going to
be in the dark so there is little point in fitting detail and the interior is simply painted black to kill
the effect of the white styrene.
With the roof arch in place, the inner door
post is fitted between it and the floor. This
is the first of many parts that has to be fitted
snugly into place and the skill lies in getting
them just the right length to be a dead fit,
not loose and, if anything, just a tad on the
tight side. Within limits, the softening that
occurs when the solvent is applied will
accommodate the slightly tight fit.
Achieving such a fit is a matter of delicate
use of a needle file. If you think it needs two
passes of the file, give it one – it is much
easier to remove material than it is to add it,
and if you overdo it, mutter darkly and start
From here on the two vans, which have been identical thus far, start to differ. This one (van 1) will be built to run on cast L&Y pattern axleguards. When fitting cast components such as these to a plastic underframe I like to ensure that they are well supported, in this case by being sandwiched between the back of the solebar and an inner longitude. That not only keeps them upright whilst the epoxy cures but also allows the adhesive to be applied to both sides.
It is often handy to cut one or two
extra pieces, on the basis that if you have
deliberately made spares, Murphy’s Law
will determine that you will not need them.
Another tip is to turn the job round between
passes so that any tendency to file offsquare
cancels itself out.
Back to the window, and the technique is to measure the opening (not the drawing) accurately for actual width and height. A dial or Vernier calliper helps no end for this, not specifically for the accuracy, as none of us can mark out to better than 0.25mm on a good day, but for the ease of access. With the dimensions established, the Chopper can be put to serious use cutting the strip required for the window pillars and the beading for the glass. The pillars are cut from 40 × 0.060in strip and the beading is cut from 20 × 0.040in, thus giving the right degree of depth to the finished article.
The body structurally complete, with a roof pinched from a Parkside GWR brake van. This happened to be the right profile and saved having to make a former to heat form the styrene sheet that would otherwise have been required. Parkside are quite happy to supply individual moulding sprues for a modest sum.
For reasons that will become
obvious in a moment, the
verticals are cut to fit the full
depth of the opening and the
horizontals are cut to fit
between them, although those
for the third pane should be
cut a little oversize (Murphy’s
Law again).
The underside of the other van, which will be fitted with a set of LMS pattern axleguards and springs that come on a handy moulding from several of Slaters BR wagons (X7060G). These are a close match to the arrangement used on the very last of the L&Y vans, the difference (apart from convenience) being the use of J-hangers and eyebolts for the springs, rather than the suspension links of the earlier L&Y designs. Being plastic, these axleguards bond better to the solebars without the need for the additional support required for the cast axleguards. What is also visible, just, is the way the solebars are built up from various sections of styrene strip to get the right depths. This is where the rebate provided by building the body on a steel rule comes into play as it allows for the imperial dimensions of the strip to be accommodated in a way that results in the solebars being the correct scale depth.
Assembly starts with fitting
the first section of vertical
beading to the corner post,
followed by the
horizontal beading
for the top and
bottom of the first
pane. Positioning
these is a matter of
sticking them in
slightly proud of the
inside face of the body
end, and then pushing
the flat metal object such as a ruler or a square.
Then go away and do something
completely different for several hours –
overnight will usually do – so that the joints
can fully harden.
Van 1 with the cast
axleguards in place,
illustrating the way in
which they are trapped
between the inner and outer
solebars. Although there is no
suspension, the fact that the
wheelbase is quite short means
that it is able to cope quite well
with good track.
Van 1 sitting on its own wheels for the
first time, looking very plain without
all the rivets and nuts that held
everything together.
Installing the rest of the window frame is
a matter of proceeding from out to in a bit
at a time. Because the horizontal beading
sections were cut to fit between the
verticals, placing the next vertical is simply
a matter of butting up to the ends of the
Only the last pane will be a
little tricky, as it is almost inevitable that it
will turn out to be slightly wider than the
others, so that the horizontal beading will
need adjusting to fit the space, which is the
reason for cutting them oversize in the first
So much for the main body, but what of
the verandas? These consisted of a timber
frame with the section between the waist
and curb rails filled in with boards. To
replicate the construction depth on the
inside face, the end was made up from a
section of 0.040in styrene card with the
framing built up around it, assembly being
carried out with the end face down on a flat
non-stick surface. The cant rail, which in the
full size runs along the length of the top
edge of the body side, sits on top of the
corner posts so these are cut to a length that
will fit under them. In the model, these are
made as extension pieces which will attach
end-on to the body end and sit on top of the
corner posts, and are cut 2-3mm over
length, not forgetting to allow for the fact
that they overhang the body ends in any
Assembling the ends
requires some care, as
there is initially nothing
to support them. My
technique is to attach
them to the end of the
floor plate and then, while
holding them square and
vertical, to attach the cant rail
extensions to the body end and
the top of the corner posts. The final
step, once the joints had hardened, was to
fit the roof arch between the cant rail
extensions, hence the reason for not cutting
it to final length earlier.
Despite having the side sheathed in steel plate, there were a lot of bolts holding these vans together. These are modelled using tiny squares cut from 0.010 x 0.020in Evergreen strip, each one applied with a needle and a spot of solvent. Not 100% accurate, as the bolts aren't sticking through the nuts, and the rivets on the solebars aren't round, but what matters most is the visual texture that they give the van body at all normal viewing distances.
From here on, finishing off the body is
straightforward, basically adding the
veranda doors, the roof and the end posts.
For these two vans, the roof was made by
cutting down the roof moulding from a
Parkside GWR brake van, obtained directly
from the manufacturer for the usual
nominal £1 per sprue. The choice was
determined by the fact that I did not have a
piece of suitably sized metal tube over
which to heat form a piece of styrene sheet.
The outside of the joint between the framing
and boarding is covered by a rounded
beading on the prototype, replicated on the
model by sections of 0.040in half-round
Evergreen strip cut to fit, complete with
mitred joints. It helps considerably that the
buffers had not been fitted at this stage, as
the body can be stood on end.
Van 1 used a set of cast brass brake shoes available from Laurie Griffin. As with the plastic ones, these were made up as pairs
soldered onto a length of brass strip that was then epoxied onto the cross members that had been fitted earlier.
The visible part of the underframe is
straightforward, although as the largest
Evergreen channel section is ¼in. deep, a
little cunning is required to replicate the
7mm depth that is required. One flange of
the channel is cut off and the resulting
L-section glued
onto a piece of 80 × 0.040in strip to
bring the section up to the required
depth. The headstocks are made in the same
way, although as the flanges face inwards,
the section is filled in with a piece of strip
where it will be hidden between the
solebars, principally to provide a more solid
anchorage for the buffers and couplings
and to provide a solid stop for locating the
ends of the solebars. The internals of the underframe call for
rather more thought, not in trying to
replicate the original (why model what you
cannot see?), but in considering how to
install the axleguards and brakes.
It is also
from this point onwards that the two vans
are different. One uses the axleguard and
brake castings available from Laurie Griffin,
whilst the other uses spare mouldings from
the Slaters BR van kits, https://slatersplastikard.com partly as an
economy measure.
The Laurie Griffin
brake shoes mounted
on brass strip, making up a
unit to be epoxied into the
underframe. This is considerably
easier than trying to fit them
individually as they can be set to gauge and then fitted as a
unit which is held in place while the epoxy cures.
Van 2 with its LMS springs and brakes, illustrating how little is visible behind the wheels.
I have always been a little uneasy about
mixing metal and plastic components,
because although the epoxy resin adhesives
are good, I have found their adhesion to
styrene to be sometimes a little suspect.
Hence, my adoption of a belt and braces
approach. For the first van, I used an
additional section of Evergreen strip to
create a slot behind the solebar, so that the
castings could be glued on both the front
and back faces, as well as being fully
supported. Getting them aligned squarely
across the frame was a matter of careful
marking out on the solebars to indicate
where the spring hangers should lie.
Fitting the brake shoes and hangers,
which are one piece brass castings, called
for rather more cunning. Inevitably, the first
task was to tweak out the distortions that
had crept in during the casting process, a
task that should not be necessary if the
casters let the waxes cool properly first.
Each of the castings is provided with only a
relatively small mounting pad, which might
have been fine when soldered to a brass
chassis, but not for gluing to plastic.
After some thought, a hybrid strategy
was evolved, with the individual castings
soldered to a brass strip which was then
glued to a styrene strip running across the
chassis, set at a measured distance from the
axle centreline in order to give the correct
relationship between the brake blocks and
the wheels.
The complete assembly under Van 1. Although I have fitted the brake beams, I have not gone so far as to model the linkage,
because it is invisible behind the wheels once the model is on the track. (I am not a believer in modelling what can’t be seen.)
Van 2 has the Slaters axleguards and springs, which makes the underframe structure simpler.
The brake shoes and hangers come from the same Slaters moulding as provided the
axleguards, and are individually fitted to cross beams slotted in between the solebars.
The underside of Van 2 showing the footboards as fitted.
The width of the brass strip was
determined from a trial and error
measurement of the position of the casting
relative to the van floor, so that the foot of
the casting is lined up with the edge of the
strip. With each pair of shoes attached to the
strip, the assembly was substantial enough
to be tried for fit and tweaked as necessary
before being glued into place. Doing things
the other way round, gluing the castings in
place and then trying to adjust them would
simply have resulted in breaking the glue
The Slaters brake shoe assemblies before fitting.
As noted earlier, van number two was
built using Slater's mouldings left over from
previous BR wagon kits. Their moulding
X7060G, which can be obtained separately,
contains both the standard 3ft 6in. wagon
spring and the longer 4ft 6in. J-hanger
springs used by the LMS, and subsequently
BR, on the clasp braked vehicles, as well as
a set of brake shoes and hangers sufficient
for one wheelset. Although the standard
L&Y design used a link suspended spring,
as per Laurie’s castings, the final batch of
vans used an underframe with J-hanger
springs that are sufficiently close to the later
LMS design for the latter to be passable.
Using plastic, rather than metal,
components has the advantage that there
are no dissimilar materials to worry about.
Since the axleguards can be stuck directly to
the back of the solebars, the internal
structure of the underframe is much
simpler. The springs, which are separate
mouldings, are used as they are except for
trimming back the feet of the hanger
brackets by about 2.5mm; the middle
brackets abut each other and would, in the
full size, have been a single unit.
The only slight hitch with the use of these
components is in the axleboxes. Being for
BR wagons, the moulding contains a pair of
RCH split boxes, and a pair of the fabricated
pattern open front boxes, neither of which
is suitable as they stand. From photographs
of late period L&Y vans, it appears that the
axleboxes are very similar to the LMS
open-fronted pattern, as provided by
Parkside on their LMS brake van.
Having obtained the requisite number
of mouldings, it turned out that the
axlebox mouldings themselves were not
dimensionally compatible with the
Slaters mouldings.
In the end, the model uses the Slaters BR fabricated axleboxes but with the front covers of the Parkside LMS axleboxes. Given the nearly miniscule size of an axlebox cover, these must rate as the most expensive part of the whole project in terms of their size – 50p for a plastic moulding little more than 4mm square. They fulfil the need though, and I still have three solebar mouldings with link suspended springs and various other bits that will probably find their way into another project in due course.
Van 1, now with footboards. The supports for these are another ‘pinch’ from
the Parkside range, this time being from the LMS brake van. The attraction of these is that they are moulded in ABS,
which not only attaches nicely to the styrene solebars with solvent but is resilient. The
footboards are normally the widest thing on any brake van, and with the narrowness of the bodies on these L&Y vans, stick out a long way. Although various cast brass step board irons are available, they would have had to be attached using glue, creating the risk that they could easily become detached during normal handling.
As with the axleguards, so too with the
brake shoes. They are fitted to the
underframe in a very similar manner to the
brass ones on van number one, in that pairs
of shoes and hanger mouldings were
attached to an L-shaped cross-member at
the appropriate centres, and each assembly
was then glued in place across the
underframe. Being plastic, they can be
spaced rather closer to the wheels without
risk of an accidental short circuit. The brake
blocks are not quite the right shape, being
standard RCH pattern, but I will leave the
reader to decide.
A characteristic feature of any goods
brake van is the step boards, and the need
to find some means of supporting them that
will stand up to the rigours of handling. The
initial plan was to use the cast brass
brackets available from Laurie Griffin and
which, one would presume, would fit the
Shedmaster kit for these brake vans. Sadly,
they did not, and although a swap was
effected for some that looked more the part,
that turned out to be a dead end as well.
The problem is that many of the available
step board brackets are designed for
carriages, which are a good bit wider over
the body than goods brakes, and especially
the L&Y ones, which are positively skinny.
In the end, salvation was found in Parkside,
in the form of the moulded plastic brackets
used for the LMS brake van.
Each moulding contains two full length step irons as well as a single step bracket and three lamp irons and neatly solves several problems at one go. The only snag, inherent in any 6-wheel van, is the sheer quantity needed – each van takes eight mouldings, but the leftovers yield a goodly crop of lamp irons and instanter coupling links. The real benefit is that, being plastic, they are easy to attach securely and have enough resilience to stop the joints being strained by misjudged handling or storage. On an all-plastic vehicle, brass step irons might sound good but the joints to the plastic would be extremely susceptible to breakage.
Van 1 complete but awaiting lettering (hence the shiny patches for the transfers). This one is fitted with a through vacuum pipe and will finish up in BR Bauxite
The lamp irons were an unexpected
bonus which saved having to fabricate them
from sections of Evergreen strip; again,
although brass castings are available, I have
a preference for not mixing metal and
plastic unless I have to, simply on account
of the vulnerability of the joints.
Cyanoacrylate glues may be good, but a lot
depends upon the bond that can be
achieved to the two materials. On the other
hand, fabricating a lamp iron from
Evergreen styrene strip requires four tiddly
parts, much patience, a steady hand and
several days waiting for the joints to harden.
The buffers and couplings are almost the
last items to be fitted for the practical reason
that without them, the van will stand on its
end, which makes the detailing very much
easier. Similarly with the step boards – once
they are fitted, the van has to be propped up
to avoid the weight being carried on them.
The final item of any significance, at least
on the vacuum fitted examples, is the
through pipe. Unlike most other vehicles, it
is not hidden away below the underframe
where it can be quietly forgotten, but
carried in full view down one side in
brackets attached to the outside of the step
irons. At this point, the benefits of plastic
step irons strike again, in that it is a practical
proposition to fabricate the pipe from
1.5mm Evergreen rod which can be stuck
directly to the irons and the bottom edge of
the headstocks, to which it is clipped.
What of the results? Apart from letting the pictures speak for themselves, watching these two vans emerge from pieces of featureless white plastic has been a positive experience and there is that satisfaction of knowing that they were not just assembled, but created by my own hands.
Van 2 is finished in LMS bauxite. The layout on which they will run is set in the 1950s, so both could easily have existed side by side as it took years for goods stock to get repainted.