From Gazette Volume 19 No. 11 May 2016
By Bob Alderman
IN DECEMBER 2015 there was an active thread on the subject of test
tracks on the Guild Forum. This was initially raised to discuss the validity
of testing on a round and round test track. I believe that such a track is
not a good test bed for a loco. Often they are simply tracks where a
model is displayed running without the encumbrance of scenery. A
number of points have been made on the Forum but I would like to
elaborate on the question of testing a model loco based on my own
I believe there are number of steps that should occur before a loco
reaches the stage of any extended running on a track. What follows are
the stages I go through, with an occasional aside, to achieve a model
locomotive that performs. I and others have written on some of this in
earlier issues of the Gazette and references to the Gazette archive on the
Guild web site will enable you to look them up.
Erecting the chassis
For a loco to run well, the first steps take place during the initial stages of
chassis construction. When erecting the frames every care should be
made to get them square and parallel. Details of how this can be
achieved can be found in the Manual (Part 3 Section 6).
Free movement
With bearings in place, the wheels can be fitted and checked individually
for free turning. Bearing bores, both square for horn guides or top hat, are
often the same nominal 3/16in. diameter as the axle. This can leave a
very small clearance between the axles and the bearings. This will be
detectable by turning the wheel on its axle in the bearing. A certain
stiffness may be present or it may just not feel free. A shaft in a plain
bearing should have running clearance (in the engineering industry these
are defined by a British Standard for Limits and Fits BS EN20286-1,-2
1993 or ISO 286-1,-2 1998). These standards go way beyond what we
need to know, suffice to say is that we want something that turns freely.
Experience says that the bore should be about 0.002in. larger than the
nominal 3/16in. bore. A 4.8mm diameter hand reamer works well. A
machine reamer is likely to be too short to cross a chassis. A 3/16in.
reamer usually does nothing towards enlarging a hole because it is the
same nominal size as the hole.
Ideally the bearings should be reamed in place in the chassis. The
reamer is used across the chassis to open up both bearings together;
hence a hand reamer. Crossing the chassis will help to align the holes. If
there is a slight misalignment of one bearing relative to the other, this
will be corrected by one bearing pulling the reamer into alignment with
the other. The reshaping of the bores is miniscule and of no consequence
apart from the positive alignment of one to the other.
Trial fit of wheels and axles
Check the rear of plastic spoked wheels for any moulding pips. These can
pick up on the edges of the chassis. Remove them and smooth off. Fit
one wheel to an axle and insert it in the first pair of axle holes. The wheel
and axle should spin freely. If you have followed the guidance so far,
experience says it usually does and requires no further work. Repeat for
the other axle positions.
Fit all the axles and wheels to each position. Bearings in horn guides
do not need to have the springs fitted yet. Run the chassis back and
forth; there should be no binding. If feels free then try it on a piece of
sloping track to see if it runs down hands free; the shallower the slope
the freer the chassis. It should be possible to run down a slope of around
This note excludes ball or roller bearings. These are basically free
running but for their installation the same issues of alignment apply. A
mismatch across the chassis can lead to added friction in these bearings.
Rods and motion
Having achieved free running with a basic wheeled chassis there is the
potential to lose this when the coupling rods and valve gear components
are added. Add the motion in stages, starting with the coupling rods. If
the chassis has been assembled using these with a jig or jury axles it
should only be necessary to ensure there is a free fit on the crank pin
With the rods in place the chassis should still roll freely. However,
binding may occur, and this will show in two places, at either the nine or
the three o’clock positions. If the bind is on the left hand side only then
that is the side that needs attention, similarly if the right then that side.
This is where the rod centres match or fail to match the axle centres. If
the rods are really tight then a serious error occurred when the bearings
were fitted and it may be worth returning to them to position them
Usually any binding is only slight. Opening up the holes with a broach
will normally suffice. When using a broach work on the holes from both
sides to even out the taper that the broach cuts. Do not attempt to use
a drill. The amount of material that has to be removed is small and the
drill is likely to pick up and tear the rod from either your fingers or the
vice. If it doesn’t turn into a propeller it can be bent into an interesting
but useless shape! I have elaborated on the preparation of coupling rods
in the Gazette Vol. 17 No. 4 which can be found in the archive.
For a small inside cylindered loco this is usually the end of the process,
but for a loco with outside cylinders and valve gear there is more. A lot
will depend on how the loco is to be assembled. There is much variation
across kits as to how the parts are assembled: cylinders permanently
attached to the frames, cylinders that are bolted on, and similarly the
fixing of motion brackets. Again I have written on this in the Gazette Vol.
15 No. 9 emphasising how to get freedom of movement in the system.
Any pick-up that bears on the wheels introduces friction to the system
and it is no longer as free as it was. Phosphor-bronze strip, brass or
nickel-silver wire can be used with great effect, but with the latter keep
the diameter down to 0.5mm or less. The wire will have to move to
accommodate wheel movement in the bearing, up, down, left and right.
A length of around 25mm, if feasible, will be sufficiently springy to
accommodate the movement without excessive pressure.
Plunger pick-ups are popular, but I have heard that once fitted they
were effectively brakes. I would suggest that something has been
overlooked in the installation. In kits the distance between the frames
can be variable, some narrower than others and some near scale
spacing. This will affect the plunger especially in the wider
configurations. If the frame spacing is large enough it is possible that the
plunger springs will bottom out leaving the ends of the plungers wider
than the back to back dimension of the wheels, which is a very effective
brake. To get round this, I have heard of modellers reducing the length of
the spring but this can severely reduce the bearing pressure of the
plunger, making electrical pick up ineffective. It is better to leave the
spring as it is and reduce the plunger length. Some plungers have conical
ends. File this off until the end bears on the wheels and movement is
accommodated. It does not matter if the end of the plunger is flat.
The method of pick-up with least friction is split axles running in
insulated horn guides. It is particularly suited to tenders. I have found
the easiest method to make split axles is that of progressively dividing
the axle and filling the gap with epoxy resin. No special tooling or lathe
is required. An article in the Gazette Vol. 16 No. 7 describes this. Looking
at the archive, I see that no one describes what to do with the wheels,
though. If Slater’s wheels are used, a shorting wire between the tyre and
centre is required. I use 0.5mm diameter copper wire from telephone
cable for this. If you wish you can flatten it to reduce its profile by passing
it through a set of rollers.
At each end of a spoke drill 0.5mm holes in the tyre and in the brass
centre. Ensure that the wire is not in the way of the axle end, preventing
it from seating. Solder the wire in place with cored solder used for
electrical work. If you are unhappy about this, first tin the wire with this
solder and then attach it to the wheel with low melt solder. You may
also feel that it is worthwhile to recess the back of the spoke to accept
the wire.
The picture below shows the wire on the back of the wheel and the resin-filled split in the axle. A wire is soldered to the bearing and, in the example shown, taken to piece of Veroboard from which two wires go forward to the motor. The bearings in this assembly have been reamed to 4.8 mm dia. as for the loco. This clearance and lubricating oil have no discernible effect on the electrical continuity.
Motors and gearboxes
The use of ‘off the shelf’ motors combined with a gearbox has little effect on the established free running of a loco. It is just a matter of installing them. A motor/gearbox that is built up from etched components needs to be assembled with care and set up to run well before fitting to a loco. This is described in the Gazette Vol. 17 No. 7. With a satisfactory assembly this can be installed without undue effect on the free running. \
With today’s mechanisms and control systems, I think that using a
flywheel is questionable. Modern motors are multi-pole and are free
from the slow running cogging that the old three and five pole open
frame motors had. In that case a flywheel helped smooth the rotation.
There is an argument that a flywheel helps a loco cross an area of poor
contact with the track. I would say look to the track and correct that.
Ensure it is properly level and in common with DCC practice, every rail is
connected by wires. Do not rely on fishplates to conduct the current from
one rail to another. Even so there is the DCC feature of ‘stay alive’ running
that combats dead sections or poor pick up.
A flywheel where the mass is concentrated at the periphery is better
than a solid one. The best flywheels are fitted to the shaft with adhesive,
not a grubscrew. A grubscrew can force the flywheel eccentric and ruin
any chance of true running.
If a flywheel is to be fitted then it should be balanced. An out of
balance flywheel does nothing for smooth running and will eventually
damage the motor bearings. To balance or check the balance,
temporarily fit the flywheel to a shaft such as a piece of silver steel. Allow
the shaft to extend beyond the flywheel. Ideally a pair of engineering
parallels or something similar should be set side by side to provide ‘rails’
to run the flywheel up and down. A lathe bed may do for this if you have
one available. Set the shaft on the ‘rails’ and roll it along. If there is a
heavy side it will come to rest at the bottom; do this several times to
confirm it. Once confirmed, mark the bottom and then drill into the
flywheel at that position to remove some material; a 3mm drill is good
for this. Do a little at a time, checking by rolling until there is no longer a
bottom, and the stop position is random confirms that it is ready to be
Test tracks
A yard of track is good enough for checking the general freedom of
movement in a chassis. However the ability of the chassis to negotiate
curves and track imperfections should be checked. The simplest track is
a six foot length arranged in a flat S. Set the curves to your minimum
known radius. Only fix the track in the straight portions, leave the curves
Both inside and outside of the curves can be lifted. The photos show
some gross distortions of the track, but if a loco can negotiate this then
it should be able go anywhere. The loco should be turned and checked in
both directions.
Footnote; I set this radius when I was commission building locos. I never
believed the customer – “my track has minimum radius of 5ft 6in.” I made
the curve tighter so I was certain the loco I was building would go around
his track.
There is an argument that a test track should incorporate a crossover
to check how a loco will cope with point work. The points here should
match those on the layout, whether Peco or hand made. If they do not
match the standard of points on the layout the check will not be valid. It
could be a case of it works on the test track but not the layout. On this set
up it is not so easy to introduce the ‘imperfections’ of the simpler track. I
am not convinced that this is a really useful design.
One feature of any test track that is beneficial is the means to measure
current and voltage. These are the meters I use. They are bench meters,
and have large scales that are easy to read. Both are analogue as they are
better for testing than their digital equivalents, particularly the
ammeter. An intermittent contact will cause the ammeter needle to
jump or flick as the current varies momentarily. This is immediately
visible and indicates a problem and its source. A digital meter does not
give such an obvious response, there seems to be internal damping that
does not show the flicker at all.
The ammeter can also show the stall current of the motor. With
wheels turning at full voltage lean on the loco to brake the wheels to the
point at which they stop turning. Read the current at that point. It
sounds brutal but if it is very short term it should not damage the motor.
A sustained stop at full voltage will.
Probably the most popular test track is a large circle or oval of plain
track where locos can be run round and round. I think this has little
benefit as a test track except as a means of running-in a loco if it needs
it, and as means of displaying it to others. A loco should have been
proved by other means long before reaching such a track.
This is the Exeter group’s test track. Like many it is not permanently erected as the group meets in a village hall. It is stored and can be quickly erected for the members to run and show off their locos. It also has narrow gauge tracks reflecting other interests in the group. Most locos arrive on the track in a complete state and have generally gone through a regime of test and trial similar to that I have described here.
Sources of 4.8 mm hand reamers. I only found these when I searched the web. I purchased mine from Toolex as they are local. Note they are not cheap. The electrical meters are available from Squires Model & Tools – Electrical catalogue Simple track plans drawn on Any Rail