TOPS Coded Wagons Available in O Gauge

This list was prepared by Chris Free from data on the LTSV wagons website, HMRS Paul's invaluable photographic archive website, British Railways Wagons by Don Rowland, Modelling British Railways Engineers Wagons by Simon Bendall, Modern Private Owner Wagon on British Rail by David Ratcliffe, BR Air-Braked Wagons also by David Ratcliffe and the GOG Products Directory

British Rail rolling stock has been numbered according to the TOPS system for fifty years now and many wagons have been classified under it that pre-date it, in some case back to pre-British Railways days.

The following tables are an attempt to identify the TOPS codes of wagons available to O Gauge modellers that might have run on the system since the 1970’s.

Note, that, of themselves, TOPS codes are a poor guide for modellers, being only concerned with functional use and braking system. For example the SSA/POA scrap wagons currently used by EWS were build in several batches that differ noticeably in detail and have been modified or rebuild over the years. The modeller could thus make a rake of scrap wagons, all different to each other but all still classified SSA or POA.

This is a far cry from the days of the British Railways diagram book when design changes generally resulted in the issuing of a new diagram number and wagons being numbered in a different number series.

I have started with the Zxx series of two-axle departmental wagons because the departmental fleet contained a much higher proportion of pre-TOPs wagons than the revenue fleet, particularly during the make do and mend later British Rail years and many of these older wagons are available in O Gauge

Available Departmental Two Axle Wagons (“Z”)

TOPS CODE Description Fishkind DiagramO Gauge Model Manufacturer
ZAO 10t Ballast open Starfish/Brill GWR P15 BR 1/566 Warren Shephard
ZCO 14t Ballast Open Ling GWR P19 BR 1/567 Warren Shephard
ZCO 15t Ballast Open Ling Southern Midland Carriage Works S01
ZBO 20t Ballast Open Grampus BR 1/572 Parkside PS14
ZBV 20t Ballast Open Grampus BR 1/574 PRMRP BRF-023
ZFO 25t Ballast Hopper Trout Leeds Forge BR 1/580JPL Models OWK4
ZEV 19t Ballast Hopper Catfish BR 1/586 D J Parkins & First Class Kits & Heljan rtr
ZFV 24t Ballast Hopper Dogfish BR 1/587 D J Parkins & First Class Kits & Heljan rtr
ZUV Ballast Plough Brake VanShark SR 1748 Roxey Mouldings SBM7021
ZUV Ballast Plough Brake Van Shark BR 1/597 PRMRP BRF-025
ZVO 20t Loriot Penguin (not used) GWR G27 BR 2/900Scorpio
ZXV 25t Lowmac- BR 2/242First Class Kits FCK12
ZAO Ex Medfit -BR 1/019 First Class Kits FCK15
ZGV Ex Highfit - BR 1/041 Slaters 7071
ZGV Ex Highfit - LNER Haywood Railway
ZHO Ex 16t mineral - BR 1/108 D J Parkins, Parkside & Dapol rtr
ZVV Ex Plywood van-BR 1/208 First Class Kits
ZDV Ex 12t Pipe -BR 1/461 & BR 1/462First Class Kits FCK03 & Parkside
ZDV Ex 20t Tube -BR 1/445 Connoisseur Models
ZDV Ex 18t Sand -BR 1/071 Parkside
ZVV Ex ShocVan -BR 1/209 Slaters
ZGV Ex ShocOpen -BR 1/052 Slaters
ZRF Ex Esso Tank --D J Parkins
ZTO Brake Van -LNER D 61 & BR 1/504 Connoisseur Models, Slaters & First Class Kits
ZTO Brake Van -BR 1/506 First Class Kits
ZTP Brake Van -LMS 2068 & BR 1/503 Connoisseur Models
ZTP, ZTO, ZTR Brake Van -SR Parkside & Dapol rtr
ZKV Ex Iron OreBarbel BR 1/184 Parkside
ZBV Open Wagon Rudd -GJH Plant Company
ZCV Ex HTV Tope -First Class Kits
ZHV Ex 16t Mineral- Br 1/117 D J Parkins
ZKA Ballast/SleeperClam -GJH Plant Company
ZCV Ballast/Sleeper Tope-GJH Plant Company
ZBV Ballast/Sleeper Rudd-GJH Plant Company
ZZA Snowplow --MM1 Models & Flangeway rtr
ZRB Ex VDA - BR MM1 Models

Two-axle wagons that existed in significant numbers but are unavailable in O Gauge include:

Available Departmental Bogie Wagons (“Y”)

TOPS CODE Description Fishkind DiagramO Gauge Model Manufacturer
MRA side tipper ballast wagons -Modern Wagons
YCV Ex BEVTurbot -Dapol rtr & PRMRP
YTV Ex “Queen Mary” Brake- SouthernConnoisseur, J&M Hughes, Laurie Griffin Miniatures & Signature Railway Kits
YGB Ballast HopperSeacow-PRMRP
YGH Ballast HopperSealion-PRMRP
YGV Ballast HopperWalrus - Laurie Griffin Miniatures & Roxey Mouldings
YMO Rail/Sleeper Wagon Salmon_ J&M Hughes
YFA Rail/Sleeper Wagon with crane Salmon_ J&M Hughes
YVP Rectank - 2/440 Darstaed
JNA Bogie Box Wagon--Impressionist Models

Bogie wagons that existed in significant numbers but are unavailable in O Gauge include:

Available Air Braked Revenue Wagons

TOPS Code Wagon Type Operator O Gauge Model Manufacturer
BAA Bogie Steel Coil BR BR Blue Models & PRMRP
BDA Bogie Bolster BR BR Blue Modelss & PRMRP
BPA Bogie Bolster BR PRMRP
BVA Bogie Steel Coil EWS Impressionist Models
BXA Bogie Steel BR PRMRP
CSA Dry Flyash (ex Presflow)BR Ellis Clark
FFA/FGA Container Flat Freightliner PRMRP
FCA Container Flat EWSModern Wagons
FNA Nuclear Flask Wagon DRS Buzz Models & MM1
FPA 2 Axle Coal Container BR PRMRP
HAA MGR Coal Hopper BR Skytrex & Dapol rtr
HEA Household Coal Hopper BR PRMRP&Dapol
HHA Coal hopper Freightliner Modern Wagons
HHA MGR coal hopper BR PRMRP
HKA Coal hopper National Power Modern Wagons
HOA Aggregate hopper Cemex Modern Wagons
HOA Aggregate hopper EWS Modern Wagons
HIA Limestone hopper Freightliner Dapol rtr
HTA Coal hopper EWS Modern Wagons
IGA International Bogie Flat BR Heljan rtr
IHA International Covered Steel SNCF Impressionist Models
IKA Megafret twin intermodal wagons Various Modern Wagons
IWA Ferry Wagon Cargowaggon Buzz Models
IWB Ferry Wagon Cargowaggon Heljan rtr
JIA Polybulk various BR Blue Models & GJH Plant Company
JNA Bogie Scrap Allied Steel & Wire Impressionist Models
JNA Falcon spoil and ballast wagonNetwork RailModern Wagons
JMA Coal Hopper National Power Modern Wagons
JRA Bogie Aggregate Tiphook Rail Impressionist Models
JXA Bogie Scrap Steel Sheerness Steel Impressionist Models
JXA/PXA Bogie Scrap Steel Sheerness Steel Impressionist Models
KAA Babcock Container Flat Blue CircleModern Wagons
KTA Pocket Container Wagon Tiphook Rail Modern Wagons
MBA Megabox EWSModern Wagons
MCA Megabox (cut down)EWSModern Wagons
KFA Container Flat Tiphook Rail Dapol rtr
MEA Box Wagon EWS Buzz Models
MFA Box Wagon EWS Buzz Models
MHA Box Wagon EWS Buzz Models
MHA Box Wagon EWS Dapol rtr
MVA Open Box EWS Impressionist Models
OAA OpenBR Heljan rtr
OBA 5 Plank Open BR PRMRP
OCA Steel Bodied Open BR PRMRP
OTA Timber Flat British Rail BR Blue Models
OTA Timber Flat BR PRMRP
PAA Grainflow Traffic Services BR Blue Models
PAA China Clay Hopper Tullis Russell BR Blue Models
PAA Urea Hopper ICI BR Blue Models
PBA Covered Hopper British Industrial Sand BR Blue Models
PBA Bogie China Clay Hopper Tiger Rail/ECC BR Blue Models
PCA Cement Presflo Associated Portland Cement Skytrex rtr
PFA Scrap Skip EMR Impressionist Models
PFA/PGA Container Flat EWS Buzz Models
PFA/PGA Container Flat EWS GJH Plant Company
PFA/PGA Container Flat Gbrf GJH Plant Company
PGA Stone Hopper Procor PRMRP
PHA Bogie Stone Hopper Foster Yeoman PRMRP
POA Scrap Steel Sheerness Steel Impressionist Models
POA Scrap Steel Allied Steel & Wire Impressionist Models
POA Scrap Steel RLS Impressionist Models
POA Open Box Yeoman etc GJH Plant Company
PRA China Clay Wiggins Teape BR Blue Models
PTA Stone Tippler Foster Yeoman / ARC PRMRP
PVA Curtain Sided Van Railiner / Procor BR Blue Models
PVB Curtain Sided Van Procor BR Blue Models
PVB Curtain Sided Van Campbells Soup BR Blue Models
PWA Pallet Van UKF Fertiliser BR Blue Models
PXA Bogie Aggregate TML Impressionist Models
SSA/POA Scrap Open Sheerness Steel BR Blue Models
TCA Bogie Tank Amoco BR Blue Models
TEA Nitric Acid Tank Kamira Impressionist Models
TEA Nitric Acid Tank Tiger Rail IImpressionist Models
TEA Bogie Tank various fuel companies PRMRP
TIA Ferry Tank Wagon Tank Rentals Ltd BR Blue Models
TTA Molasses Tank Procor BR Blue Models
TTA Caustic Soda Tank ICI Mond BR Blue Models
TTA CO² Tank Distillers BR Blue Models
TTA 45T Class A TANK Various Dapol rtr
TTA 35T Class B TANK Various Heljan rtr
TTA Bogie Fuel Tank Shell MM1
TTB 2 Axle Tank BR PRMRP
TUA Solvent Tank Carless BR Blue Models
TUB Phosphoric Acid Tank Procor / Albright & Wilson. BR Blue Models
VAA 2 Axle Van BR Heljan rtr
VEA 12 Ton Goods Van (ex Vanwide) BR Dapol
VGA 2 Axle Van BR GJH Plant Company
VGA 2 Axle Van Speedlink PRMRP
VIX Ferry Van BR P H Designs

By the start of the TOPS era BR had developed a fleet of long wheel base air-braked vehicles capable of running at 75 mph, some of these were utilised in the Air Braked Network (ABN) that guaranteed next day delivery to and from a limited number of depots. The fleet was augmented by some older vehicles converted to air-brakes, some with through vacuum pipes and a few of these are listed below.

Air-Braked Network / Speedlink Conversions

TOPS Code Wagon Type Operator O Gauge Model Manufacturer
VBB Ex 1/264 van ABN / Speedlink Dapol rtr , Skytrex rtr, Slaters
VBA Ex Dia 1/264 van ABN / Speedlink Dapol rtr , Skytrex rtr, Slaters
VPB Ex Dia 1/263 Palvan ABN / Speedlink Slaters
VEA Ex Dia 1/217 Vanwide ABN / Speedlink Skytrex rtr
OHB Ex 1/030 LNER Steel Open ABN / Speedlink Slaters