Painting, lining, weathering and other finishes
Painting and Lining
A sign writer’s delight
Adding Life to a Layout
Buildings - laser cut with painting advice
Chowbent LNWR coach kits
Dapol 08: A Brighton based ‘Gronk’
Heljan GWR 43xx 2-6-0 loco: Repainting
Masking wheels for painting
Modern Outline Kits GWR Armstrong Class 7 4-4-0 - Part 4
Painting and Lining - Sandy Harper (Video)
Painting the Warren Shephard N2
Preparing for Painting - Ian Rathbone (Video)
Re-spaying an MTH coach
Stripping paint: Jinty's Diesel Workbench
The colour of van and coach roofs
A ‘London’ Class 26
Detailing and Weathering the Wickham Trolley and Trailer
How to Weather a Heavily Framed Van
Painted and weathered wagons - David Magill (forum thread)
Weathering a Dapol Van - Neil Podbery (Video)
Weathering an Ixion Hudswell Clarke
Weathering Dapol YCV Turbot Wagons
Weathering sleeper stops – From Edge Lane Junction post
Experiments in home made transfers
Hollar Posters
Making your own transfers
Rescuing very old waterslide transfers
Waterslide transfers for specialist wagons