Video about using the wiki:
The GOGWiki is a large repository of information about many aspects of modelling in O gauge, and it is expanding all the time. There are several different ways of searching the wiki for information.
Each wiki page contains a sidebar that lists the principal sections and several indexes. If you are not sure exactly what information you require, only the general area, or you want to become more familiar with the wiki contents, the sidebar is the best place to start.
Most of the links in the sidebar take you a page that contains an introduction to the subject and sets out in more detail the nature of the content. Many of these pages contain additional links to take you onwards. In that way you can explore the wiki, at least those parts of it that are of interest to you.
There is no index to the wiki as a whole. That would be an impossible task, considering how a wiki evolves. In the sidebar there are several indexes to specific parts of the wiki, which may be helpful to find particular pieces of information. Some of these duplicate what is already available elsewhere on the Guild web site, but it is planned that in time, the wiki will be the principal or only access to these so it is well to become familiar with them now.
At the top right of every page is a search box. Typing a word or words into the box and clicking on the magnifying glass symbol on the right of the box brings up a list of all the pages in the wiki that contain the text. Clicking on the page name of any item on the list takes you to that page.
If you enter a phrase, rather than a single word, in the search box, the search will find every instance of all words in that phrase. For example, entering GWR Hall will find all the pages that contain either GWR or Hall. If you want to search for a phrase only, enter it in inverted commas. So, in this example, entering “GWR Hall” finds only those pages that contain both words together.
The search is not case sensitive, so in the example above, GWR Hall and gwr hall will find the same pages.
On many pages you will see Tags displayed. These are single words highlighted in blue at the top right of the page which indicate the areas related to the article you are reading. To find similar articles, or in the case of a trader name, clicking the tag will bring up a page listing other related articles or the trader details.
For example you may see
BRlocos, Heljan, locoRTR
as tags.
Clicking BRlocos will bring up a page on which all other pages tagged with “BRlocos” will be listed. Similarly, “locoRTR” will bring up all locomotive ready to run articles, and “Heljan” will bring up information about Heljan.