Forum Hints and Tips


This section of the Wiki has been introduced as a result of suggestions and requests from the membership, regarding access to only useful content of the Guild Forum.

There is a vast amount of useful information and help available on the Guild forum, but individual items can be very difficult to find amongst all the ’chit-chat’, so this is an attempt to extract the useful content and make it into a clearer format.

Rather than use the different section titles on the Guild forum, the Technical Hints and Tips (H & T) section has been split into parts, the same as the Technical Manual, and the individual threads are placed in the relevant H & T part accordingly.

Each H & T document follows the original forum thread, with all the useful information retained, but all the ‘chit-chat’ taken out. Each document carries the same originating title (as near as possible) from the forum, and the document header also carries the originating section in the forum, the forum ‘thread’ number, originator and other information. Following on from the original request, each helpful answering ‘post’ is included, again, with the post originator and date. Minimal changes to a posting have taken place, other than editing out ‘chit-chat’ and grammatical errors, as such no permission is being sought from the originators to copy the posting into the H & T section. If an author wishes to have a ‘posting’ deleted, or wishes to update it, please contact the Technical Team Chairman.

It is intended to keep the H & T section more or less up date with the forum, at the bottom of each document page is the date last updated, to compare with postings on the forum. Thanks must go to all the original forum ‘post’ authors, and the volunteers who trawl through the forum (currently approximately 48000 postings) to create this section.